Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Final Thoughts

So guys, we have had our ups and downs. I have enjoyed having you in class (besides the paper balls and laser pointers). For your final post, due today, I would like to know what part of this class you liked best or learned the most about chemistry.

I have counted up blogs and will post it today so you know where you stand.

Good luck and I hope to see you next year or the year after in AP Chemistry.

Dr. B


  1. I suppose having a blog was probably one of the things I liked most about this class. Having something to review at the end of the day made life a little easier on me. Oh, and the occasional piece of candy was nice too.

  2. The blog was helpful whenever I was sick or missed class from a school trip. I guess it's my favorite part of the class.

  3. My favorite things about the class were the labs, binder checks, and blog because these three things really helped out my grade when I was struggling in the class.

  4. The thing I now understand the most about would probably be the relationship between Pressure, Volume, and Temperature.

  5. My favorite part of the class was the labs. I really enjoyed the lab where we put all the cations and anions into the same trays and saw what they produced.

  6. I really enjoyed the chapter on stoichiometry. I felt like that was the topic I mastered the best.

  7. I enjoyed all the labs we did. I think the best part in any class is when you get to get up out of your desk and physically do something rather than just writing notes
