Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5/11/10: Exam Review

Hey guys! Guess how smart Jim is! I'll give you a hint: he forgot to bring home his Chemistry notebook two days in a row. But fear not! I've recreated an outline of the stuff we need to know for the exam with my book. This probably covers more than we talked about in class, so feel free to correct me in the comments.
  • The exam will go from chapter 7 to chapter 15. Here are most of the important terms and concepts from each chapter, as found in the end of chapter summaries.
  • Ch. 7: Formula mass, percentage composition, empirical formula
  • Ch. 8: Chemical equations, precipitate, types of reactions, electrolysis, activity series
  • Ch. 9: Stoichiometry, limiting reactant, excess reactant, theoretical yield, actual yield, percentage yield
  • Ch. 10: Kinetic-molecular theory, ideal gas, real gas, fluid, surface tension, capillary action, crystalline solids, amorphous solids, phase, equilibrium, molar enthalpy of vaporization/fusion, triple point, critical point, critical temperature, critical pressure
  • Ch. 11: Pressure, mm Hg, pascal, atm, Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure, Boyle's law, Charles' law, Gay-Lussac's law, combined gas law, Gay-Lussac's law of combining volumes of gases, Avogadro's law, ideal gas law, ideal gas constant, Graham's law of effusion
  • Ch. 12: Solubility rules, solvent, solute, solition, suspension, colloid, electrolytes, saturation, miscible/immiscible, Henry's law, effervescence, enthalpy of solution, concentration, molarity, molality
  • Ch. 13: Net ionic equation, spectator ions, ionization, strong/weak electrolytes, colligative properties, molal freezing-point constant, freezing-point depression, molal boiling-point constant, boiling-point elevation, osmosis, osmotic pressure
  • Ch. 14: Binary acid, oxyacid, Arrhenius acid/base, Bronsted-Lowry acid/base, monoprotic acid, polyprotic acid, Lewis acid/base, conjugate acid/base, neutralization
  • Ch. 15: pH, pOH, titration, equivalence point, end point, standard solution, primary standard
Also, I would like to remind everybody that you should eat chocolate before all of your exams.


  1. This is a cool website that comes up with problems so you can practice calculating pH.


  2. Remember that we will most likely have a quiz over tonights homework

  3. So Jim, is it now safe to drink,eat chocolate, and drive?

    Anywho, we have hw tonight and a potential quiz over the material covered in the hw...

  4. And there is a test the Monday of the 7th period exam

  5. here's a website that helps explain how to to the stoichiometry part of the homework tonight.


  6. chocolate is definately a plus to the exam week, everyone just focus and pull through these last couple of days, i know studying for the exams really is not fun when its summer and your phone and facebook is right at next to you but please focus because it will all be there regardless of what happens the only thing that could change is your individual future,

  7. This is a website about stoichiometry.


  8. Website on stoichiometry


  9. Hello... but I digress.
    Chapter 9 REVIEW:

  10. here is a good website for titration

  11. Good site on emprical formulas:

  12. http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/mihyewon/chemlab_experiment.html

  13. http://www.chem.lsu.edu/lucid/tutorials/lim.htm

    limiting reactant problems

  14. http://www.chemtutor.com/acid.htm

    great site on acids and bases

  15. remember to get the homework done, and don't forget to start STUDYING..

  16. http://www.visionlearning.com/library/module_viewer.php?mid=58

    Here is a great site on acids and bases
