Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Movie Day, No Test

Today, our class was scheduled to take the ch. 10&11 test. Instead Dr. Bautista put in a movie , which i am getting ready to summarize, because we were very good for her. The test was rescheduled for after spring break, though, along with the gas lab. Here are some of the key points stated in the movie:

- In the beginning of the film, a group of scientists discussed some of the volcano eruptions and history of the eruptions at Montserrat, an island in the Lesser Antilles.

- The dangerous part of this volcano is its deadly flow of pyroclast. Pyroclast will burn, crush, and suffocate anything in its way.

- The ash from this volcano prevents any outdoor activity for civilians

- 18000 meteorites hit the earth every year

- Most of this is space junk made from molten rock of planet earth.

- Many pacific islands, like Hawaii, are made from these earth shaping meteorites and volcano lava.

- Studies show that under the plates we live on, there are remains of ancient volcanic rock.

- In this volcanic area, there lives more types of bacteria then people living on earth

- Sedimentary Rock is made from rock being in water, and age of earth.

- Stromatolides are rocks found especially in regions of Australia, that are around 3,000 million years old.

- Volcanic lava will destroy all vegetation in its way

- Africa, Asia, and South America once were bonded togethor as one big supercontinent. Similar rock structures from each of these continents proves this theory.

- At the very bottom of the volcano type ocean floor there are some of the most unique life forms in the entire earth.

- Iceland is the only place where the midatlantic ridge is evident above water.

If I missed anything then comment it


  1. the life forms that live in rock or at the bottom of the ocean are called extremophiles because they live in extreme conditions. the narrator said that someday, they may inherit the earth........yeah right......

  2. I just wanted to thank Dr. B for moving the test to after spring break.

  3. Yes dont forget that because Dr. B is amazing she moved the test back to after springbreak and also when we come back we will be doing the lab i believe......also the water that fills our oceans and what not came from ice meteors that crashed into the stratusphere....i think thats what they said im not 100% sure

  4. Here is a site about Montseratt:

  5. For the test, which we were lucky enough to have moved, you should be sure to know all of the formulas and the conversion factors

  6. Pretty cool youtube video of a volcanic eruption:


  7. http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/

    cool website on the volcanic activity of Hawaii.. interesting facts

  8. well, here's my two cents worth.
    The super continent was called Pangea.
