Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25th, 2010

Here are the R values for everyone--
  • Justin and Griff--0.07563
  • Joe and Ben-- 0.07718
  • Taylor and Nick-- 0.0727
  • Henry and Evan-- 0.06379
  • Matt Orians and Kyle-- 0.06697
  • Charlie and Chris-- 0.0814
  • Ryan and Jim-- 0.07667
  • Donnie and Colby-- 0.07833
  • Alex and Jacob-- 0.06356
  • Will Long and Matt Johnson-- 0.07997
  • Riley and Patrick Blose-- 0.07383
  • Matt Farrel and Andrew Parmenter-- 0.06745
  • Patrick "The Sweenenator" Sweeney and Peter-- 0.07885


  • The effect of temperature on the solubility of solids in liquids is more difficult to predict
  • increasing the temperature increases the solubility of solids
  • equivalent temperature increase can result in a large increase in solubility for some solvents and only a slight change for others
  • in some cases, solubility of a solid decreases with an increase in temperature
  • the formation of a solution is accompanied by an energy change.
  • if you dissolve some KI in water you will find that the outside of the container feels cold to the touch
  • if you dissolve some NaOH in water, the outside of the container feels hot
  • the formation of a solid-liquid solution can apparently either absorb or release energy as heat
  • before dissolving begins, solvent molecules are held together by intermolecular forces.
  • in the solute, molecules are held together by intermolecular forces
  • energy is required to separate solute molecules and solvent molecules from their neighbors
  • a solute particle that is surrounded by solvent molecules is said to solvated
  • the net amount of energy absorbed as eat by the solution when a specific amount of solute dissolves in a solvent is the enthalpy of solution
  • the enthalpy of solution is negative (energy released) when the sum of attractions from Steps 1 and 2 is less than Step 3
  • the enthalpy of solution is positive (energy absorbed) when the sum of attractions from steps 1 and 2 is less than Step 3
  • the concentration of a solution is a measure of the amount of solute in a given amount of solvent or solution
  • "dilute" just means that there is a relatively small amount of solute in a solvent
  • note that these terms are unrelated to the degree to which a solution is saturated. a saturated solution of a substance that is not very soluble might be very dilute
  • Molarity is the number of moles per solute in one liter of a solution
  • to relate the molarity of a solution to the mass of solute present, you must know the molar mass of the solute. for example, a "one molar" solution of NaOH contains one mole of NaOH in every liter of solution
  • the symbol for molarity is M, and the concentration of one molar solution of sodium hydroxide is written as 1 M NaOH
  • one mole of NaOH has a mass of 40.0 g. If this quantity of NaOH is dissolved in enough water to make exactly 1.00 L of solution, the solution is a 1 M solution

molarity (M) = amount of solute (mol)/volume of solution (L)

  • note that a 1 M solution is not made by adding 1 mol of solute to 1 L of solvent. in such a case, the final total volume of the solution might not be 1 L.
  • the resulting solution is carefully diluted with more solvent to bring the total volume to 1 L
  • see pages 420 and 421 for the answers and explanations of Sample Problems A, B, and C
  • the lab is due tomorrow. dont forget to find the class avg and % error of the class average, as well as writing your conclusion


  1. This site has some sample problems for molarity.

  2. This site will help to explain molarity.

  3. This is a good site on molarity.

  4. Thanks Scheuner...
    This site talks about enthalpy of solution.


    This site explains the enthalpy of solution.

  6. Explaination of calculations with molarity:


    Here is a molarity calculator.

  8. good site on molarity

  9. good website on molarity.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. here's a nice site on molarity

  12. Here are some good Molality example problems:

  13. remember that the lab is due today

  14. website with molality practice problems
